Sunday, April 10, 2011

Review #1

Tad's Tropical Sno, Overland Park, Ks.

Red cotton Candy: Lauren Age 9- 4/5 Stars because the flavor is a Little sweet for me!!!

Red cotton Candy: Nick Age 7- 5/5 it is sooooo good!!!

Blue cotton Candy: Lauren Age 9- 0/5 Stars-Way too Sweet, ewwwwww!!!

Blue cotton Candy: Nick Age 7- 5/5 it is sooooo good!!!

Cola: Lauren age 9- 4/5 it Tastes like Cola with sugar!!!


  1. Orange & Vanilla: Susan & Jerry Grandparents 5/5 Never got tired of it!

  2. this one's called "creamsicle" at Tad's.

  3. Lauren J.-I am with you Susan and Jerry!

  4. My least favorite flavor is Birthday Cake... it is too sweet for me and most of my friends.
