Sunday, April 10, 2011

Why Snowcones?

If you are wondering why my brother and I made this Blog, I will tell you why!

It is not only because they have AWESOME shaved ice, but also because of my brother's food allergy.

You see, my brother cannot have wheat or dairy... and he is also a picky eater. A lot of stuff you would not think of has stuff in it that he cannot eat. But luckily, Tad's has stuff he likes and can eat!!!


  1. Here's the thing. I too like snow cones, but I also like coffee. Do you think Tad's has options for me? For instance, could I order a nice strawberry flavoured shaved ice, with an espresso shot in it? Or maybe just some strong black coffee poured over the top? I guess I'd have to drink it quickly, because otherwise the hot coffee might melt the ice and overflow the cone? That, or perhaps it would just burn right through the cone and onto the ground? Maybe I could ask Tad's for a strawberry and strong coffee shaved ice and then use one of those cardboard cup holders around the cone, like they have at Starbucks? They whole place could be renamed StarTad's or Tadbucks? Just a thought...

  2. They have a strawberry flavor and a coffee flavor and you could order them mixed at Tad's. But the chain is only in Kansas... and the coffee is cold.

  3. Lauren,
    It is currently 77 degrees here! Unfortunately our snow cone shop hasn't opened yet...but Dairy Queen has! We all enjoyed an ice cream cone after a long walk at the State Park. Indy got his own ice cream -in a cup. Yumm!
    We are happy that spring is on the way...
